Affiliate Program

As an affiliate you get one link. A single link to earn money and become a CHARONIUM Affiliate Partner in a most promising market.

Sign up now for free here: CHARONIUM AFFILIATE PROGRAM

Who are affiliates and what do you get out of it?

Affiliates are influencers, people with a large following on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

They share and recommend products from our store to their followers and receive a small commission in return.

This helps to increase the sales of your products and reach a wider audience. It is a much more efficient and organic way of marketing than traditional advertising.

Why should you choose affiliate marketing?

It's a win-win situation for both the merchant and the affiliate: the merchant makes a bigger profit by selling more products, and the affiliates earn a commission for every customer they refer. Affiliate marketing is done by almost all e-commerce websites, including big players like Amazon, eBay, Ali Express, Flipkart, etc.

It is one of the most cost effective ways to market our products, increase sales and reach a larger audience.

Affiliate Tracking Script.

The tracking script is automatically installed on our website. It tracks the visitor who comes to our website through the affiliate's referral link. The script tracks the visitor throughout his visit. When the visitor makes a purchase, the commission for the sale is credited to the affiliate.

Sign up now for free here: CHARONIUM AFFILIATE PROGRAM